
Showing posts from March, 2015


Young ministers tend to boast of what they are incapable of producing.In-fact i believe all the promises of God.I believe they are for the church today.I preach a strong faith-producing message.However i am not capable of meeting every need that a person has. Sometimes in our zeal to help people,we make promises from the word that we cannot see through the end.We may know the formula but,can we really produce the fact?We tell of GOD'S GREAT DELIVERANCE;yet all we are willing to do is to pray 30 seconds prayer that cannot support the healing even a chick,and then we send the people back to their seats.When the result do not come positive,we don't know what to do. I have seen many people devastated what to do because Zealous preachers made promises that are beyond their Faith and experience.We want the respect that belongs to "the odd timers"but ratter than earn it,we try to imitate it. I remember one time driving a certain group to a very special me...


It is quite common and quite acceptable for leaders to lie. It is never called lying, but we all know it is.I have seen more misuse of TRUTH among leaders than anywhere else within the Ministry. -The violation of confidence. -Misuse of professional information. -Exaggeration and so on. All of this are some of the examples of forms of lying.Lying by leaders is after heard ministers embellish stories "for the sake of effectiveness"these are all forms of lying. Many times I have heard ministers telling stories of miraculous happenings that are astonishing.How sad i was to find that out that they were only EXAGGERATIONS.As one well-know minister was telling is all about some rumors that were super-naturally removed,and Old preachers leaned over and said "I knew Brother  somebody when  those rumors were warts". It is had to resist such temptations when we see other prominent ministers doing it.We see how it makes them look so impressive.Do not be deceived.Th...


It is time for ministers who depend on the grace of God to minister to the people instead of depending on fabrications for appearance sake. Lying lip may stay on the scene but it can never be established.It will always be surrounded by more deceit,turmoil and lying.Resist the temptations and avoid pain. Righteousness brings in favor,exaltation,prosperity and abundant life and so on.We need not to spend our life searching for those things,they are found in the path-way of Righteousness. The Scriptures says "In the way of Righteousness is life,and in the pathway thereof there is no death."If i can find and walk in the pathway of Righteousness i will find all those things the world seeks after.Thank you God