What strikes your fancy? Do you want to stop wars? Do you want to heal the terminally ill? How about helping your friends and family through ordeals they might be facing?

You have more power than you think you have. You can travel in amazing ways. You can create in miraculous fashion. You can heal like a disciple of Christ would heal. You can do the impossible!

My little five year old daughter is always asking questions. I tell her about Jesus and praying. Every now and then she catches me talking about deeper subjects, but usually her questions are something like, "Do you help people, Daddy?" or "Dad, how do YOU work with God?" Deep questions really. I want to answer them truthfully, but at five she really wouldn't understand. You see, my work is off the charts, and yours can be too.

Right now you are probably locked into your present state of growth. The fact is that there is much more that you could be doing. Through the Holy Spirit you can move in incredible ways, change things in miraculous fashion, and most of all, create more value for the Lord. I know, value. It is such a business term, but it is the best way to phrase it. God wants value out of you. You are an investment in his eyes. He wants you to grow and prosper so you can better serve Him. Don't think so? Try not growing, and see where that takes you.

Folks, I really want the absolute best for you. But on top of that, I want you to get ready to move at a moment's notice, and move in miraculous fashion. I know that lots of folks talk about end times, but I'm not going to pretend to know when or how all of that will go down. I do know one thing though. It is better to be prepared than to be left mired in the sins of this world. I'm not perfect, but I'm actively trying to work with the Lord to create in the fashion that He wants me to create.

Anything is possible! Lie down, close your eyes, and pray for an hour straight with nothing else bothering you. Do things that you think could not be done.

This is a special life you are living. Do not cut yourself short!


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