When I was saved I began ministering immediately I was
inviting hippies into my home and
sharing Jesus’ teachings with them. Those
who had the same interest with me. Sometimes I was out of the street all hours
of the night witnessing and preaching. I jumped with both feet and sometimes
crept. People around me began to let me based on ministerial performance I was
packing the pews with new converts I was casting devils praying for the sick
and doing all things as far as pasturing is concerned. I was doing things for a
person who is good enough to do a period of twenty years. I ws recognized
immediately as leader. There was a time that I thought God loved for my performance but over the years it became increasingly obvious that people loved
me for my performance really that was the only time when I knew how to relate
the Gentiles and the Christian believes.
Earlier on I saw the
inner workings of ministerial services. I saw the power of struggles and
the politics of the world churches. I realized
I was swimming in the sea of crocodiles and sea devils. Any otherwise I didn’t continue praying the
game I would be eaten alive I was falsely reckoned and mocked openly as a false
witnesser, because of particular behaviours
pattern. I was not good in politics so I
found myself at odds and fakes with the
power of innocent world of believing. It
really never bothered me on the outs with the church hierarchy . I had
relationship with God. I had walked in the light all times in ministering for over 10 years although they
didn’t recognize the work I was doing. After some years I began to hear tormenting voice in my heart saying ‘ You are
nothing but spiritual whore. You are of no value those people unless you can perform. Whenever you can not
become a superman or you will be dumped out.
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