
Showing posts from January, 2013


          Laziness is intolerable within the ministry. We should be the perfect example of a proper ethic. While we should not be “workaholic”, we should exemplify a pattern of DILIGENCE AND INTEGRITY.           Many “will be” full-time ministers and simply lazy. Their desire to be full-time is to escape the discipline and difficult of the work place. Failing to recognize the work place as a mission field is an obvious indicator of misplaced affections.           As a rule of THUMB, a minister should be able to successfully hold down and succeed at a job before entering full-time pastoring. The casualties of laziness in ministerial is very great. Learn to be diligent at the cost of the world, not the kingdom of God.           Most people are incapable of self-management. Consequently, the majority of independe...


          The person with low self-worth will need continual boosting and re-affirming of worth. He will need the credit and recognition on a regular basis for efforts that should be their daily basis and routine as a servant. The leadership role then become a place to find worth for self rather than a place to built worth for others              When leadership is a place to build worth, every issue becomes clouded and unclear. Every decision is subconsciously slanted to meet to meet the need of a leader. While the needs of the leader is being met, the needs of people who are growing.          With every good intention in the world, a leader with faulty sense of worth makes others emotionally crippled. From his need to be needed, he develops doctrines and a management style that makes people depend on him and his ministry. Dependency becomes t...


          When the church members want to leave let them leave. He, who wants to stay, let him do the same. When people want to try something, let them try. Not only should we let them alone or idle, but we should serve them while they are in the mood as they try. We should become a supporting part of their success.           There was a time when I felt it was my role to warn every one of the pitfalls and difficulties. When someone came to me with an idea, my first response was usually negative. In mind, I thought I was protecting them from disappointment. I finally realized that any looser could talk to people out in their dreams and visions.          My job is not to tell what would not work, but what I do is to give the scriptural principles of success and decision to follow differently to their own idea. One thing everyone knows is that I will not decide...


          Man was never meant to rule the planet EARTH with fear and insecurity. Authority was never forced or demanded. It was simply the natural outflow of worth. People, who have worth, never rule to prove worth. Although I am not sure, but what I know is, they rule because of worth. As a matter of fact is, people who have worth, never try to exercise AUTHORITY; they simply yield to the authority of GOD. It flows through them onto our attention. We attempt to get man right with God; we have actually made it impossible for everyone at any level to exercise true BIBLICAL AUTHORITY. We have made the average of church members feel as if they are nothing, they are not of Christ. We have told them, they know nothing, although we have not spoken this openly, but the way we lead them they cannot do something minus us. We just tame them like cattle and we just command everything to be done, because we have the authority over them. Because of this...