The person with low self-worth will need continual boosting and re-affirming of worth. He will need the credit and recognition on a regular basis for efforts that should be their daily basis and routine as a servant. The leadership role then become a place to find worth for self rather than a place to built worth for others
When leadership is a place to build worth, every issue becomes clouded and unclear. Every decision is subconsciously slanted to meet to meet the need of a leader. While the needs of the leader is being met, the needs of people who are growing.
With every good intention in the world, a leader with faulty sense of worth makes others emotionally crippled. From his need to be needed, he develops doctrines and a management style that makes people depend on him and his ministry. Dependency becomes the source of security. Making people dependent assures their need for him; therefore they will stay in his church. Dependency is the substituted for healthy relationship.
Our society is plagued with co-depended people. All this begins with LOW SELF WORTH. Low self-worth breeds REJECTION. Rejection produces SELF-CENTEREDNESS. Self-centeredness is when people live for self. They live to meet their own needs.
Since we are special beings, we are a need for healthy relationship. Meaningful relationships are the only thing of value of life. Self-centered people cannot have relationship, so they are substituted relationships with the need to be needed which is DEPENDENCE.
A person in the leadership position can create the need to be needed. It is all very subtle and sometimes unintentional. Regardless of how it happens. It all produces the same result / devastation. Different people take this to different extremes. Some leaders want to be consulted before any one makes a decision of any kind. They feel they are the only ones, qualified to give the input needed for life’s decision. This is no different from the approach used by PSYCHIATRIST who feel only as the professional who are capable for solving life’s complex problems. Leaders in every field have a way to justify dominating others.
There has always been a tendency in leadership in every arena of life who wants to make a decision for others who have deem less capable than ourselves. While expressed motivation may be concerned for those poor, ignorant people - the reality is the need to dominate.
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