We one a ministry to deliver weak people from their weaknesses.This require proper endurance and limitation to cover a full degree of mercy.One of the hardest thing in the world is RECOGNIZING THE FAULTY PEOPLE WITHOUT REJECTING THEM. On one hand, our authority is established in mercy A man of mercy is a man of FAVOR. A good, judgmental leader only gains a following of IDEALISTS . Idealists loves you as long as you are PERFECT as soon as weakness is revealed, they are the first to turn on you. A man of mercy, however has the opportunity to minister to the real need because a person will not be afraid to share his deepest with a man of mercy. A man of mercy receives mercy for his own short comings. He reaps their mercy he has shown in the lives of others. He is never surrounded by IDEALISTIC INTOLERANT PEOPLE. He is surrounded by people who will defend and love him with the love experienced. Mercy, However, should never become indifferent to sin. If our compassion leads US ...