Why this? This is the essential in any business. To diversify is to develop more than one area from which to obtain finances. There is a security in diversification. If one "WELL DRIES UP" you simply drink out of another "well". In other words, a little income from many places is far more secure than much income from a few places.

Banks and credit institutions relate differently and churches, then they do to businesses. They like it when a business diversifies. They interpret that as security and stability. however, when a church or ministry applies for a loan, they want to see a few  "big givers". They  want some  big money people to sign on the note to make it secure. This can be the beginning of the end.

When a few people carry the ministry by their large gifts, it usually  creates a control situation. You end up with a few people you cannot afford to attend. Their giving and their credit line can be determine the destiny of the ministry. few people can resist the pressure to cater to those people.
Their are some ways to avoid this. I try to keep away from knowing anything about the giving. i don't want to know who gives what. I don't want  any decision to be controlled by a person's giving. I don't want to be faced with the temptation of relating to anyone differently because of his giving. When i know someone is a big giver, I don't extend any preferential treatment. This has caused more conflict over finances than anything i have ever done. When someone gives expecting to be treated special, they are always disappointing, if it offends to the point of leaving, their motives have been revealed. I would like to know up front what their motives are rather than later when i really need them.

Keep in mind, IT WAS A PERSON WITH money problem who sent Jesus to the cross. And it will be the people who have money problem who will crucify you if you allow them to stay and control you.
Wealthy people are not accustomed to not having control, so if you follow my example , be ready for what will follow up. However i would rather take a thousand tongue-lashing from people i had refused, than to spend one day being controlled by a special gift.

By following this pattern, others may launch out faster and further. However, while they are nursing their ULCERS and the their special interest groups you will pass on to your GOAL. 


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